Tag Archives: weather

Chilled to the Bone

With the cross quarter day here, I had to get out of my warm burrow early and head outside to test the weather.  There was a little bit of good news.  Unlike a few days ago, it wasn’t -10°F.  Yes, that’s a minus in front of the ten.  23°F seems almost summer-like by comparison!  Of course I wear a fur coat, so I have a different measure of what really cold is.  -10°F is really cold.

This winter has been unusually cold.  Winter solstice brought bitterly cold weather with temperatures in the negative teens and wind chills down into the negative thirties.  The snow that fell that week is still out, which is also unusual for Colorado.  We haven’t seen a major snowfall, but cold temperatures and regular dustings of snow have maintained that base of white and discourage me from wanting to go outside.  And this past week, another bitter chill, although not enough wind to freeze you to the bone.  It’s just enough to chill you that far, though.

The sun is definitely out this morning, so going with tradition and the miserable weather we’ve been seeing, I have to call for six more weeks of winter this year.

I see that Punxsutawney Phil made the same call this year.  I’m glad he’s getting on the same page with me.  Even a blind (ground)hog will find an acorn occasionally.

It's a Sunny Day!

At least the sun is out!

One Cold Marmot

As I stand in 6” of snow this morning, in 9 degree weather with a wind-chill of -2 degrees – that’s -19 degrees Celsius for my European friends – I have just one thought.  My teeth can’t chatter because I have a horrible overbite.  Well, it’s not horrible.  This is perfectly normal among marmots and all rodents in general, but the point stands.  A thick furry coat is nowhere near enough in this weather!

With snow continuing to fall, it’s easy to give up and say this winter thing isn’t going away any time soon.  We still have piles of snow from the last week of January, but I need to look past what this week is like.  No shadow.  And we are in a La Niña.  I’m definitely leaning towards an early spring.  Just as soon as this February thing blows over.

It’s so cold that snowflakes are not melting when they hit my nose and I’m pretty sure I’m getting snotcicles.  Don’t give up!  Spring is coming!  And yes, Punxsutawney Phil and I still don’t agree on anything.

The Blizzard Marmot

Stormy Marmot braves a blizzard to make the 2022 Groundhog Day prediction.