As I sit here in a snow drift, in the middle of a blizzard, I have to wonder why the only thing in the news is a bunch of old guys in Iowa. The commentator did mention that they generate a lot of hot air, but I don’t believe this to be a weather related event.
Punxsutawney Phil already clocked in his prediction as East Coast sunrise comes in earlier than the one in the Rockies and watching his live feed, I noticed the distinct lack of snow on the ground in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. In stark contrast, Colorado is a solid 24 hours into a blizzard and that will continue for a good chunk of today.
Needless to say, as I stood in the blowing snow, I saw no shadow to indicate a delayed winter. Six weeks until spring sounds reasonable to me. Of course don’t forget that this is a strong El Niño year, so even if we have an early warm spring, it will be a wet and stormy one.
One final note to Punxsutawney Phil’s spokesman, please do not ask spectators to take their jackets off in 22 degree weather. They will all get pneumonia and that just won’t play good on the national news.
Here’s to an early spring – the spring equinox – just like every other year. Happy winter, everyone. I’m heading back to my burrow.
[whohit]2016-02-02 Winter Storms[/whohit]