How lucky can a marmot get? Not two days off the mountain and I got to meet George Bush, the President of the United States!
Two days after coming to live in what people call “the civilized world” I was handed tickets to the Colorado Rockies game at Coors Field. The Rockies, which makes me think of majestic tall mountains, are a bunch of men in funny clothes who play a game that requires them to hit a small ball – I thought it was a white rock at first – with a large wooden stick, then run really fast. The game is called baseball and is played in a large green clearing surrounded by layers of uncomfortable seating. It’s sort of like sitting on the side of a mountain, looking down into a valley, something I did a lot of back on Mount Ida.
The Colorado Rockies were playing a team (that’s like a marmot family group) called the Atlanta Braves, who came from some hot muggy place called Georgia. I guess you have to be really brave to live in a hot muggy place. The two teams would take turns hitting the ball, catching it, then chasing each other. This is called a game, but it’s actually treated as some sort of a competition.
The game was held at a place called Coors Field, which is named after a group of people who make a yellow beverage that makes people walk funny, talk funny and pee a lot. The bonus for this game, or so I was told, was a visit by George Bush, the current President of the United States.
These are a lot of new concepts for me. It turns out that “The United States of America” is a large area of land that consists of mountains and valleys and plains and forests and lakes and is all governed by a group of people who can never agree on anything. President Bush (I didn’t get what kind of a bush he was – I might be familiar with what his relatives taste like) is in charge of the men who can not agree.
To get to see the game I had to be searched (I am not sure what they were looking for) by a woman wearing gloves. She patted me and squeezed me. It felt good at first, but got really old, really fast. I was told that this had to happen only because George Bush was at the game, so I guess he likes being petted and squeezed.
I did not really get to come close to George Bush, but I did see him come out on the balcony and wave to everyone. He really looked like a person and not a bush, but maybe he was disguised.
The game did not make a lot of sense to me. This isn’t really the sort of stuff I was taught as a little marmot. It seemed to me like the whole thing lasted far too long and wasn’t all that attention grabbing, but I was told that it went into an extra innings (whatever that is) and in the end the Colorado Rockies won by one point. That meant they had one more person who hit a ball not get caught than the Atlanta Braves.

There were other people who came to see President Bush, too. Some of them were not happy he came.